- Providing education for slum, street, school drop-out children through transitional and bridge course training through a supplement mid-day meal to attract them to school.
- Vocational training center in tailoring, embroidery and craft items under skill building to enhance their self- esteem at Gandimaisamma in Dindugal – Pochampally madal of Medchal district.
- Women empowerment through Computer and tailoring programs.
- Health campaigns and awareness programs and Eye Camps.
- Sanitation and environment protection.
- Rural agriculture practices on the use of organic manure like vermi –compost, azolla, bio-fertilizers, integrated pest management etc.
In appreciation of the services rendered among the poor and deprived few philanthropists and agencies came forward to extend a helping hand and encouraged it a full time activity for the under privileged children. Later this initiative made us campaign for Child Right Protection, which includes their Education, Nutrition, Survival and Participation. Slowly we started NRC ( Non-residential bridge courses) and REC ( Residential bridge course) centers . As an allied activity of poverty alleviation we took up animation and empowerment training programmers for Youth and Women as alternative livelihood sources.