1. To provide space for the children and young at risk, especially the distressed, downtrodden, exploited and marginalized poor, irrespective of race, caste and creed and initiate educative process.
  2. To establish institution for vocational training for orphans, migrants and the destitute to enable life-oriented skills and opportunities.
  3. To improve Socio-economic conditions of the poor, particularly women and children, by generating awareness and access to their basic rights including health and employment opportunities.
  4. To capacitate the community through self-help strategies (SHG, CBO, etc.) so that community will own and sustain the development of the children and young at risk.


    • Providing education for slum, street, school drop-out children through transitional and bridge course training through a supplement mid-day meal to attract them to school.
    • Vocational training center in tailoring, embroidery and craft items under skill building to enhance their self- esteem at Gandimaisamma in Dindugal – Pochampally madal of Medchal district.
    • Women empowerment through Computer and tailoring programs.
    • Health campaigns and awareness programs and Eye Camps.
    • Sanitation and environment protection.
    • Rural agriculture practices on the use of organic manure like vermi –compost, azolla, bio-fertilizers, integrated pest management etc.

    • In appreciation of the services rendered among the poor and deprived few philanthropists and agencies came forward to extend a helping hand and encouraged it a full time activity for the under privileged children. Later this initiative made us campaign for Child Right Protection, which includes their Education, Nutrition, Survival and Participation. Slowly we started NRC ( Non-residential bridge courses) and REC ( Residential bridge course) centers . As an allied activity of poverty alleviation we took up animation and empowerment training programmers for Youth and Women as alternative livelihood sources.